Rehabilitation for life: the effect on physical function of rehabilitation and care in older adults after hip fracture - study protocol for a cluster-randomised stepped-wedge trial

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  • Jonas Ammundsen Ipsen
  • Lars T. Pedersen
  • Bjarke Viberg
  • Birgitte Nørgaard
  • Suetta, Charlotte
  • Inge H. Bruun

Background: A hip fracture is a serious event for older adults, given that approximately 50% do not regain their habitual level of physical function, and the mortality rate is high, as is the number of readmissions. The gap in healthcare delivery, as separated into two financial and self-governing sectors, might be a contributing cause of inferior rehabilitation and care for these patients. Therefore, we aim to assess the effect of continuous and progressive rehabilitation and care across sectors for older adults after hip fracture. Methods/design: The project is designed as a stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial. The study population of patients are older adults 65 years of age and above discharged after a hip fracture and healthcare professionals in primary and secondary care (municipalities and hospitals). Healthcare professionals from different sectors (hospital and municipalities) will be engaged in the empowerment-orientated praxis, through a workshop for healthcare professionals with knowledge sharing to the older adults using a digital health application (app). The rehabilitation intervention consists of 12 weeks of progressive resistance exercises initiated 1–2 days after discharge. To improve communication across sectors, a videoconference involving the patient and physiotherapists from both sectors will be conducted. On day, 3 after discharge, an outreach nurse performs a thorough assessment including measurement of vital signs. A hotline to the hospital for medical advice is a part of the intervention. The intervention is delivered as an add-on to the usual rehabilitation and care, and it involves one regional hospital and the municipalities within the catchment area of the hospital. The primary outcome is a Timed Up and Go Test 8 weeks post-surgery. Discussion: Using a stepped-wedge design, the intervention will be assessed as well as implemented in hospital and municipalities, hopefully for the benefit of older adults after hip fracture. Furthermore, the collaboration between the sectors is expected to improve. Trial registration: The study is approved by the Regional Scientific Ethics Committees of Southern Denmark (S-20200070) and the Danish Data Protection Agency (20-21854). Registered 9 of June 2020 at, NCT04424186.

Udgave nummer1
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The project is funded by the National Association of Municipalities, the Region of Southern Denmark, the Novo Nordisk Foundation grant number NNF21OC0068702, the Association of Danish Physiotherapists, and the Research Council of Lillebaelt Hospital - University Hospital of Southern Denmark, Denmark.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022, The Author(s).

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