Investigation of sumatriptan and ketorolac trometamol in the human experimental model of headache

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Background: Pituitary adenylate cyclase-Activating polypeptide-38 (PACAP38) induces headache in healthy volunteers but the precise mechanisms by which PACAP38 leads to headache are unclear. We investigated the headache preventive effect of sumatriptan and ketorolac on PACAP38-induced headache in healthy volunteers. In addition, we explored contribution of vascular mechanisms to PACAP38-induced headache using high resolution magnetic resonance angiography. Methods: Thirty-four healthy volunteers were divided in two groups (A and B) and received infusion of PACAP38 (10 picomol/kg/min) over 20 min. Group A was pretreated with intravenous sumatriptan (4 mg) or ketorolac (30 mg) 20 min before infusion of PACAP38. Group B received infusion of sumatriptan or ketorolac as post-Treatment 90 min after infusion of PACAP38. In both experiments, we used a randomized, double-blind, cross-over design. We recorded headache characteristics and circumference of extra-intracerebral arteries. Results: We found no difference in AUC (0-6 h) of PACAP38-induced headache in group A, pretreated with sumatriptan or ketorolac (p = 0.297). There was no difference between sumatriptan and ketorolac in PACAP38-induced circumference change (AUCBaseline-110 min) of MMA (p = 0.227), STA (p = 0.795) and MCA (p = 0.356). In group B, post-Treatment with ketorolac reduced PACAP38-headache compared to sumatriptan (p < 0.001). Post-Treatment with sumatriptan significantly reduced the circumference of STA (p = 0.039) and MMA (p = 0.015) but not of MCA (p = 0.981) compared to ketorolac. In an explorative analysis, we found that pre-Treatment with sumatriptan reduced PACAP38-induced headache compared to no treatment (AUC0-90min). Conclusions: Post-Treatment with ketorolac was more effective in attenuating PACAP38-induced headache compared to sumatriptan. Ketorolac exerted its effect without affecting PACAP38-induced arterial dilation, whereas sumatriptan post-Treatment attenuated PACAP38-induced dilation of MMA and STA. Pre-Treatment with sumatriptan attenuated PACAP38-induced headache without affecting PACAP38-induced arterial dilation. Our findings suggest that ketorolac and sumatriptan attenuated PACAP38-induced headache in healthy volunteers without vascular effects. Trial registration: (NCT03585894).

TidsskriftJournal of Headache and Pain
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2020

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